2019 Lakeland Elks Scholarship Golf Outing
Once again we are hosting The John Necessary Memorial Golf Tournament as the primary fund raiser for our Lodge 1291 Scholarship Fund for area high school seniors.
The Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, February 16, 2019 at the Huntington Hills golf course. The format will be a 4-person scramble with a shotgun start at 1:00 pm.
Price includes Green Fees & Cart plus Prime Rib Dinner at the Lodge. Extra dinners are $20.00 per person. Dinner served at 7:00 pm. Prizes will be awarded at the Lodge, along with an auction to support our Scholarship Fund.
Registration forms are now available at the bar in the lodge and on the Lodge website. (Click Here) Additional dinners are available for $20.
All registration forms along with the money for the outing are due at the lodge no later than Monday, February 13th.
Hole sponsorships are also available for $100.00. If interested in being a hole sponsor, sponsor forms are available at the Lodge.
Non-golfers are welcome to support the Lodge’s Scholarship Program by making a donation to the Lodge Secretary and designating it for the Scholarship Fund.
Thank you for your anticipated support.
Dave Norwine, Golf Outing Coordinator
We have 28 slots available for this year’s event. The first 28 Teams to return both a Registration Form & payment will secure a slot in the field.