Thank You Elks!
Bob, Vicki and All Our Friends at the Elks Lodge Lakeland,
I was reading the Elks Creed this morning, specifically the part where it said, “Protect Childhood With Tenderness” and thought, well… that’s beautiful, but how does that manifest itself in the real world.
Certainly, all the Christmas Parties, the times you let us use your facility for free, all the toys for the kids and the Elks Summer Camp, demonstrate tenderness, as does the generous $2,000 check you just presented to our kids. And tenderness from people they (and we) respect, does something more. It teaches our kids that important people care about them and that gives them the confidence to dream!

And we know who makes those dreams possible…

Thank you for making our community stronger through your kindness and generosity!

Steve Giordano | President & CEO
Boys & Girls Clubs of Polk County, PO Box 763 | Lakeland, FL 33802