We now have USB charging and power ports in the Lounge.

Take Out meals are available if you don’t wish to sit in the Lodge.


RSVP  must be 2 days before the meal or event.

On February 15 the online (RSVP) meal/event reservation system was retired. 

All RSVPs will be made in person at the lodge or by calling the lodge (863-644-4332) and speaking directly to a bartender (voicemails are not accepted).


This Calendar was updated Sept 18


This is a “Live” Lodge Calendar. Just click on any event to see the full details.
Always check here for the latest details of all events as the details are subject to change.


You can also view this Google Calendar in your Web Browser by using the following URL address;

Use this link to view the Calendar in a mobile device or App;

The Calendars shown below are not necessarily the most up to date and are for your convenience for printing. The above “Live” calendar is updated frequently and will have the latest info.

On February 15 the online (RSVP) meal/event reservation system was retired. 

All RSVPs will be made in person at the lodge or by calling the lodge (863-644-4332) and speaking directly to a bartender (voicemails are not accepted).

September 2024 Calendar

volunteerformDonate your time to keep us running…just a couple hours a month would make a big difference in the work the house committee, trustee’s, and officers do!

There is a volunteer sign up sheet on the bulletin board. Our lodge is run by volunteers and we are always looking for help.

If you could give a few hours once or twice a month please contact us at; hc@lakelandelks1291.com .


We accept debit and credit cards in the Lounge. You can also use them to pay for other functions at the Lodge. This includes items from the Lodge Store.