Lakeland Lodge 1291 never ceases to amaze! The Veterans Flag Sale Fundraiser started off slow but finished with a bang just before the 4th of July deadline. The $1000.00 goal was met!! Our members are truly the best!
The 4th of July was a great success! Steve Masterton, PER cooked and ran the kitchen along with Scott Lewis and Anne Marie Wendel. Marla Sale cooked and donated the potato salad, Vickie Crosby made and donated the coleslaw and the corn was donated by Shannon Benzel and Char. A special thank you goes to them and a few others who volunteered at the event. Penny Deig, Kristen Francks, Len and Pauline Craighead, Sandy Fuschetti, Carrie Howard and Hank Cobb. I cannot say it enough…volunteers are the key to our functions. Thank you again! In total the event raised just over $2,900.00.
While they are still on restrictions from visiting the lodge we are reminding the Medical Foster Veterans that Lakeland Elks are thinking of them. Penny Deig crafted a therapy tool/toy for them and we sent it along with a short note to Kathryn for her to distribute to the veterans. We also granted a wish of one patient to be able to go to the movies by providing a $50 gift card to the movie theater. I am sharing Kathryn’s email:

“TEAM…. The Lakeland Elks continue to spread the ❤, joy, and connection to their brothers/sisters in arms. We were able to send this little bit of “community connection” to all of our Lakeland Medical Foster Veterans for the upcoming Holiday. So sweet to have this camaraderie albeit from a distance from such a giving organization.
REC Therapy uses these gifts in treatment for cognitive and, if the Veteran is able, for fine motor skills to write you notes. Great opportunities for discussing positive experiences in our lives. We ALL can use a little bit of such sweetness. Happy 4th everyone! ❤ Kathryn”
Remember to SAVE THE DATE for our Annual Veteran Silent Auction & Dinner which will be on Friday 11/11/22. We are actively working on donations, both auction items and monetary. Please contact Char or Kristen if you can help with a donation or if you want to assist with the event.
“So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.”
Char and Kristen